Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The next Great Adventure

While I am contemplating what next particular plant variety I would like to include in my garden (I am loving the smokebush right now)my friends Blaise (aka Donna) and Bess are on to their next great adventure. A little background here... Blaise and Bess owned a beautiful Victorian in uptown and had one of the most amazing gardens in the city. They put time, money, love into their backyard that was featured in gardening magazines and many awesome parties they hosted. Last years breast cancer fund raising party was a soiree like no other and center court was their garden. Besides Bess's yummy cafe, when I think of the two of them, their backyard always comes to my mind. They have been dear friends to Matt and I, they've fed us, loved us, allowed us to partake in their endless beer fridge, and included us into one of the greatest communities of friends in Minneapolis. Because of the two of them our lives are brighter and better.

So with that background and a few tears I will continue...Blaise and Bess are on to their next great adventure. They sold their labor of love and bought a guest home in Austin Tx, and are in tow right now with their lovelies, dogs: Leo and Louie, cat: Ariel. They will take up residence in Austin and it will be a better city for having the two of them.

And here we are...yesterday I popped over to see them before they were off. I watched the movers loading up their too numerous to count boxes, and hung out one final time in their beautiful garden. Already devoid of their energy and love it lacked the luster is has always held for me and I realized, it never was the garden, it was always them. They are the ones that made that space so special. I will be missing them, not their garden. They gifted me with this beautiful pot of succulents that is pictured. A piece of their garden to take home to mine, and these splendid, warm weathers will be a nice reminder every time I look at them, that my dear friends are warm and happy in Austin.

It is sad to see your friends go...but also exciting. Blaise has an awesome blog, documenting her experiences in her amusing, personal, and over the top energy style, and I know it will help me stay connected. These two are an example to us all. It takes so much courage to see (and feel) when you're done with one adventure and then pick up and move on to the next (they really took this one to heart and actually MOVED on to the next) . Change is daunting, but necessary if you want to get the most out of each moment in life. I know they will thrive. They are the types that exceed all expectations, and go for the blue ribbon blossom.

With that I think I will move some plants around in my garden, that is about all the courage I have right now!

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