Friday, June 17, 2011

Summer has arrived....I think.

It has been awhile, winter was busy and spring (if you can say we had one) was even busier. Business is pumping along and I have finally had a chance to spend some time in my garden, definitely my favorite part about this time of year. Things are coming along at the Van Ahn gardens and I am excited about all the growth that has come from a long winter of dormancy. Please check out the flicker photo stream above, all are new 2011 garden pics, as well I would like to share a few of my new favorite things with you....

My new fountain that my awesome dad helped me put together and the rock/succulent garden around it.

My awesome pots this year! GORGEOUS!

Lavender isn't supposed to come back in Minnesota but I gently covered mine last fall and it has greeted me once again, with more fullness than ever!

Giving the veggies another try this year. Tomatoes again, peppers, basil, cucumber, and strawberries...we'll see. Fingers crossed.

Huecherra is one of my favorites and I got SO much of it for free from my friend Chris (he rocks) I love having this beautiful purple foliage in my foundation gardens.

My new favorite plant? Baptisa Australis. Otherwise known as False indigo. I adore it and bought a few small quarts. It looks like this now...

but soon will grow big, bushy, beautiful and look like this.

Can't Wait!!!

More soon, I promise!